Virtual restoration after the roof’s collapse
In August 2018, as if melted by the summer sun, three-quarters of the roof of the Church San Giuseppe dei Falegnami in Rome collapsed, dragging along part of the city’s Christian history.
Fortunately, we could assist and support the reconstruction works thanks to the previous heritage digitalization and virtual stratigraphies that we already made for the Church in 2018. With the collaboration of the laser scanner company Faro®, we reconstructed the topographic 3D survey and directly contributed to the virtual restoration of the Church.
CLIENT Diocesi di Roma
PARTNER Faro®, MiBACT, ISCR, Università La Sapienza and Studio Croci e Associati
YEAR 2020
- Heritage digitalization
- Virtual Restoration
- 3D topographic surveys
- 3D Rendering
- Open source platform for 3D models
- Consultancy support for the platform
- HBIM project

Nowadays, technological advances allow us to reproduce up until the remotest past. After the unfortunate collapse of the roof of San Giuseppe’s Church, we immediately made ourselves available to take part in the technical reconstruction.
The digitalization of Carcer Tullianum’s heritage and the 3D laser scanning of the Church’s architecture that we carried out in 2018 were fundamental for the initiation of the restoration process. Thanks to those previous works, we could assemble a detailed file on the state of the original structure.
Parting from this material and the 3D scale model we had already developed, we could recreate the three-dimensional topographic survey of the building in a high-resolution virtual model.
During this phase, we also conducted the first evaluations to identify the characteristics of the coffered ceiling and determine the critical points of the structure. Together with the scientific committee, we decided to re-scan the structures that were left standing and compare them with the previous sampling. Subsequently, we created a platform ad hoc to gather all the prior and posterior data.

We have created an open-source platform that allows researchers to manage and analyze 3D data and to store and organize the different phases of the building reconstruction, including its architectural elements and decorations. It is accessible through username and password, and all its information can be easily updated and shared.
The system implements two different representation models: Point cloud and 3D mesh. Therefore, the user can work with the model that better suits the analysis in progress and use actual data without the need for post-production.
The scan points are organized hierarchically based on the indications given by the working team, with specific categories for the new structures and restorations. In order to create the 3D model, the points align with each other and are georeferenced by relative coordinates. Once converted to a mesh, the model is used to:
- create supports for findings’ storage and conservation;
- generate a 1:1 scale model and integrate the damaged parts;
- create supports for the application of the restored elements.
The computer reconstruction instantly compares the real and virtual models. For instance, for the ceiling restoration, we matched the pre- and post-collapse models of the coffering, with its elements and geometries highlighted on a superimposed layer.
The platform allows sharing the documentation produced according to Building Information Modeling (BIM) systems, based on a participative model focused on data exchange.
The project was selected by HBIM (Smart Heritage Building Performance Measurement for Sustainability), which studies methods for intelligent performance measurement in historic buildings, such as the impact on sustainability and the effects on the building’s health after its reconstruction.
- Potree
- Three.js
- C++
- PointCloud
- CloudCompare
- MeshLab
- Scene
- 3D Studio Max
La Chiesa di San Giuseppe dei Falegnami a Roma – Il cassettonato ligneo: restauro e ricostruzione
Video: Insieme Ri-Costruiamo San Giuseppe dei Falegnami
Youtube ufficiale della Chiesa